In this installment of our “Normal is Not Necessary” series, Naketa dives into understanding platonic relationships. Titled “Friendships: Don’t Adapt, Influence,” Naketa breaks down the different dynamics of friendships and encourages us to rethink what we’ve accepted as normal. Whether it’s seasonal friends who come and go or lifetime buddies who sometimes bring friction, this […]
With the incredible Madeleine MacRae on this round of our “Normal is Not Necessary” series, success and wealth are redefined in this touching episode in ways that go beyond money. As a four-time founder, Madeleine shares her journey from humble beginnings to achieving success while navigating personal hardships. They delve into Madeleine’s holistic perspective on […]
With the incredible Madeleine MacRae on this round of our “Normal is Not Necessary” series, success and wealth are redefined in this touching episode in ways that go beyond money. As a four-time founder, Madeleine shares her journey from humble beginnings to achieving success while navigating personal hardships. They delve into Madeleine’s holistic perspective on […]
As we continue the “Normal Is Not Necessary” series, host Naketa Ren Thigpen dives deep into the often-overlooked hypocrisy that infiltrates personal and professional growth. Transitioning from one field of expertise to another can be fulfilling and necessary, but it can also bring a dismissive attitude toward prior industries or practices. Naketa examines the complexities […]
Continuing the “Normal is Not Necessary” series, host Naketa Ren Thigpen dives deep into the intriguing world of personal fear and self-imposed narratives. In this thought-provoking solo episode, Naketa reflects on her recent Self-Lovecation and uncovers the invisible boundaries created by fear—fear that controls our decisions, restricts our advancements, and shapes who we believe we […]
Continuing the “Normal is Not Necessary” series, host Naketa Ren Thigpen dives deep into the intriguing world of personal fear and self-imposed narratives. In this thought-provoking solo episode, Naketa reflects on her recent Self-Lovecation and uncovers the invisible boundaries created by fear—fear that controls our decisions, restricts our advancements, and shapes who we believe we […]
Kicking off this series, “Normal is Not Necessary,” Naketa Ren Thigpen sets the tone for doing things differently in this engaging solo episode. Reintroducing listeners to the concept of the lazy overachiever, a theme resonating deeply with ambitious women and a few brave men, she dives into the journey of podfading and the evolution of […]